This draft/entry was left too long in my files and I was able to continue it only now. Tsk.tsk. Ang tamad ko. So idadaan ko na lang sa pictures. =]
Day1: We arrived at the airport around 8:30am just in time to finish all the steps and be "on time" for the last boarding call for our 10:30 flight. haha! We were seated at the middle backmost part of the plane. Hooray for being the last ones to check in. haha! I first prayed the rosary while waiting. So after a couple of minutes the plane started its engine and began to prepare for take-off. first time. yee. haha! After a couple of minutes the stewardess are already preparing the food and distributing immigration forms for arrival at the Bangkok airport.
Look what I found in the in flight magazine: *insert Thomasian pride here
MEAT or FISH: backseat gets no choice (most of the time, maybe?). My taste buds didn't agree with the fish and the veggies. Anyway, the choco mousse made up for it.
We arrived at the Bangkok airport around 1:40pm. The airport was so nice, very spacious and clean. Ayoko man sabihin: ang layo ng kanila sa atin, or maybe di ko pa kasi nakikita yung terminal 3. After getting out, lining up for the immigration for more than an hour naman. Sila na mabagal o sila na ang maraming turista? I think I would choose the latter.

After getting our luggage, we spend a couple of minutes walking around the waiting area twice looking for the agency rep who would take us to the hotel.
After walking a bit more, we settled on a mall like that of 168 and ate dinner at KFC. They've got bigger drinks. I only ordered fries because I was not feeling well, I think it's because of the fish meal on the airplane. No offense, but every time I remember the smell and taste, it makes me want to ****. So after eating, we went back to the hotel and I just opted to stay and rest because my head is already pounding and I'm feeling a fever rising up. It's official. I'M SICK. nyaa! What a nice way to start my first day. So I was just left there in the room while they went back outside to shop. I slept for a couple of hours before they went back around 9 with a tablet for my headache. And still my headache's still on, but luckily, not until the next day.
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