They are already in the middle of the Mass as we arrived. We passed by SB to meet some of our classmates and waited for awhile at the Quadri Park before heading to Seminary gym to line up for the feast. =]
Guess which is our college’s (Accountancy) logo! =]

So much lechon in a night! I think this would be the new way now every Paskuhan, unlike in the past where we have food stubs to claim pre-packed meals on the food stall of our choice. Well at least this produces less trash afterwards, which is good. Lechon, baka and chicken were served.

The Paskuhan 2011 Christmas Tree. I wasn’t able to take a full shot of it. tss!

It’s my year! Hello to my fave color up there! =]

Pretty lights!

While we were eating, Kamikazee were already playing so I got no pictures on that. Too bad. It’s already crowded when we went to Plaza Mayor. And this is the closest we can get. err!

And just in time for Parokya ni Edgar!!! =]

the red balloons tossed around.

Thanks again to the 12mp that made zooming photos a bit acceptable. =]

Chito & Vince

When they started playing the intro of “One Hit Combo”, I ‘m already popping my head up and getting giddy because for sure Gloc 9 is somewhere there. hehe. And yes I’m right! As soon as Chito says “…Pasok!”, Gloc 9 emerges from the backstage and then the crowd goes wild! haha! Fun times! =]

Gloc9 is one of my favorite Filipino artists. So fast yet you still can fully grasp every word he says.

That’s how our view looks like for almost half of their performance. It surely would pay to be early next time.

Yes Yes Show

One last. The coolest building in campus. =]

The next day is the main night of Paskuhan. The most anticipated Paskuhan fireworks and the all night concert with a lot of guest bands happens in that night. To which, I didn’t go to, so I don’t have a post for it. I guess Parokya ni Edgar is already enough to complete my Paskuhan 2011. =]
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